The Vatican vs. Gertrude Stein (Part X)

GERTRUDE STEIN: There is no pope.
3. "The president's life was in grave danger because of the inefficiency of security around him, too many weaknesses. When that bullet struck the head of the president, it struck me, too, because I saw it coming," Bolden said to Chuck Goudie of WLS-TV, Chicago.1) the Secret Service's poor record of protecting President Kennedy prior to and during November 22, 1963
2) the plots to assassinate President Kennedy in Chicago (November 2, 1963) and Tampa (November 18, 1963), both of which resembled the successful assassination in Dallas on November 22. In Chicago, for instance, the assassination was to be carried out by a four-man Cuban exile hit squad, using high-powered rifles as the limousine was forced to slow down to make a hairpin left turn on the Jackson exit of the Northwest Expressway (now the Kennedy Expressway)
What should he do with himself?Thanks to Gold Star Mom Speaks Out (click here for Roeper's Chicago Sun-Times column).
Alice Collins of Oak Lawn (IL) has an idea.
"Three hundred and sixty-five days a year, in the wind and snow of winter and the heat and humidity of summer, let him tend to the graves of the almost 4,000 men and women who have given their lives in the debacle of Iraq. They honored their oaths, obeyed their commander-in-chief and sacrificed their lives of promise to a lying, unprincipled warmonger.
"He can begin at the grave of my grandson, Lcpl Jonathan W. Collins, killed in action on 8/8/2004."
Marine Lance Cpl. Jonathan Collins of Crystal Lake (IL) was killed by enemy fire in the Al Anbar province of Iraq in the summer of 2004. He was 19.