My Index

Rank of Glenn Beck among the nation's largest individual landowners who tortured and killed all those dogs, according to Beck: 1
Estimated amount that Jeff Beck has spent on guitar strings during his lifetime, according to Beck: $11,000
Percentage change since 2005 in the worldwide price of Purina Friskies Salmon Dinner, as tracked by The Economist: +77
Factor by which the price of meat by-products, poultry by-products, ash, guar gum, tricalcium phosphate, copper sulfate, and pyridoxine hydrochloride has increased in the past year alone: 2

Percentage of these veterinarians who have witnessed cats placed on the same chromium examination tables as dogs and failed to report it: 46
Chance that Bill O'Reilly will not go on a lynching party against Michelle Obama unless he is 100% positive she hates America: 5 in 6
Percentage of cats in Chicago's Rogers Park neighborhood who are "very" or "extremely" willing to watch the cat across the street lick himself in the window: 61
Percentage of cats in Samarra who are: 0