Episode Thirty-Three: "If Obama Would've Produced That Doggone Birth Certificate, Lou Dobbs Wouldn't Have Been Kidnapped by an Army of Invaders"

MARY: It was an army of invaders, Rhoda.

MARY: Lou Dobbs cured 7,000 lepers.
RHODA: Lou Dobbs is worried about his robust bodily form. Lou Dobbs wandered the city on the burning end of a cigarette.
MARY: Lou Dobbs consists of coalesced microspherulites and dark bands with isolated microspherulites.
RHODA: A thick, brown stripe runs down each side of Lou Dobbs's body from his neck to the base of his tail.

RHODA: "If Obama would've produced that doggone birth certificate, he would've shut all this nonsense down," Lou Dobbs said.

RHODA: Any excitement that Lou Dobbs still finds in the pursuit of pleasure is fast disintegrating into a panting succession of mechanical gestures.

RHODA: What remains of such joy, Mary?
MARY: Only vertigo, giddy transience, the effort to provide "illegal aliens" with free medical care, as Lou Dobbs said on October 1, 2003, and to sneak their children into public schools, which he reported the next day.
RHODA: And to look the other way when they commit sex crimes, as Lou Dobbs talked about on October 30, 2003. And to give them special breaks on college tuition, like Lou Dobbs said eight days earlier.

RHODA: Sixteen days later, Lou Dobbs said that immigrants were "flooding across our borders carrying dangerous diseases."
MARY: What's the use of threading pearls to make a garland of memories, Rhoda, if the weight of Lou Dobbs snaps the thread?
RHODA: What do I want? Not a succession of moments, but one huge instant. Cable news is the opportunity to go and see what has been banalized.

RHODA: Lou Dobbs's witty and sophisticated friends, subtle drugs, seven-course meals, heady liqueurs, and sultry perfumes occupied the main part of the time that we lived outside of modern production until the reconquista.
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