Monday, June 11, 2007

There Stand the Dead Upright

James Falwell wrote:

What kind of master do you have, CatFiend, that allows a black cat to ogle and lick himself all over as you display your fine fur through a window? Clearly, there is no lack of moral turpitude in YOUR household! Pray to Jesus, Little Kitty! Pray for the salvation of your Master's soul!

Often I'm asked for clear judgment for 39 days after death, Mr. Falwell. Purgatory is more clear: I chance the black cat in the window across the street licking his haunches. He blinks at me and goes to other persons.

But Purgatory is not 40 days for Supernaturals or anyone. It may be hours, days, weeks, years, worlds, or death -- depending on the individual person, the tradition, or the individual cat I ogle through the window.

Therefore, we can say that time ghosts the earth, Mr. Falwell.

The wet food in my dish is accumulated for 39 or 40 days or even longer and is directly withheld from everyone except me in hell or heaven. Ghosts do not linger on a window sill or rub their speech along your coat. They say the earth as worlds.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You go, Grrrrrl!! I've seen you through binoculars many times while straddling the big fat limb spawned from the trunk of the giant tree outside your window and I must say that I think your soul is just fine, I encourage you to let it shine, knowing someday it will be mine.

10:12 AM  

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