Episode Sixteen: "And the Amputees Return to Combat"

MARY: Oh, sure. And the Ayatollah is sending 12-year-old kids from Idaho to the front lines, Rhoda. Come on. Don't believe everything you read. The dog across the hall is barking again. The whole back porch smells like him.
RHODA: "Someone who loses a limb is still a very valuable asset," said Lt. Col. Kevin Arata, a spokesman for the Army's Human Resources Command at the Pentagon. What? Is this some kind of Quentin Tarantino film?

RHODA: According to the Associated Press, "To go back into the war zone, they have to prove they can do the job without putting themselves or others at risk." Or maybe they can get bit parts in Grindhouse?
MURRAY: Let me get this straight.
MARY: What's that noise?

MARY: The White House underfunds its troops so that civilians are forced to buy them body armor.
MURRAY: The troops lose their limbs fighting a war that is handicapped from the start by the Pentagon, which did not send in enough troops and underfunded the troops already there. And then the troops are sent -- physically disabled -- back into a war that itself is always already handicapped by the White House.

MARY: Stop it, Rhoda. You're thinking of Khomeni and the 12-year-olds again.
RHODA: Literally, I wake up every day wondering why the White House hates its own troops so much.
AND, because the regular Army was so woefully undersupplied with munitions and vehicles, National Guard inventories have been tapped. This leaves many states facing disastrous shortages in emergency vehicles - like heavy duty trucks and Humm-Vees - in the event of natural disasters (or worse). This was demonstrated recently in the response to destruction caused by tornadoes. All in all, the Bush administration is losing the war abroad - and at home.
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