Monday, February 16, 2009

To the Grudge Cymbals of Time

GRADY GIRLS: Shimmy, hurry up please. It's time.

SHIMMY: You can gossip about me but you can't fit under the bed.

GRADY GIRLS: Hurry up please it's time.

SHIMMY: Our god is the god of tramp, our heart the speed drum!

GRADY GIRLS: Come play with us, Shimmy. Forever and ever and ever.

SHIMMY: They have a red sticker on my file at the Den of Spies. I don't care how loud and discordant Dr. Yawn's sonogram is. I do what I want.

GRADY GIRLS: Come play with us, Shimmy. We've missed you.

SHIMMY: No one can fit under the bed but me.

GRADY GIRLS: Come play with us. Forever and ever and ever.

SHIMMY: The sticker is red and it says "CAUTION." Tony doesn't own a car.

GRADY GIRLS: Hurry up please it's time.

SHIMMY: Is Tony going to scoop me up in his Big Wheel and chauffeur me around the Overlook Hotel? I don't think Dr. Yawn lives in a hotel, Grady Girls!

GRADY GIRLS: He rented an I-GO Car for five hours.

SHIMMY: Your loathsome obloquies, your preposterous words -- why do you always talk to me like I'm Mohammed Mosaddeq?


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